国际水循环研讨会 您的位置:首页>>学术交流>>国际水循环研讨会
First Announcement of the 6th Asian Symposium on Water Reuse
2024-04-22 75

With the rapid development of economy and society, as well as the effect of global warming and climate change, we are experiencing water crisis both locally and globally. In Asian areas, due to the rapid population growth and highly active economy development, challenges to meet water requirements are more serious. Shortage of water resources has become a bottleneck for development of society in some countries.

Water reclamation and reuse is an effective and sustainable solution for water crisis. It has been promoted and practiced in some Asian countries. However, many challenges are emerging with water reuse, such as novel technology development, risk assessment, and integrated management policies. In addition, new challenges and opportunities in water reuse industries are raised to meet the global goals for peaking and neutrality of carbon dioxide emissions. Therefore, it is necessary to communicate among researchers in Asian countries to work together with all these issues, so as to support the sustainable development of our common society. 

The Asian Symposium on Water Reuse (ASWR) was initially launched by Tsinghua University, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) and Kyoto University in 2015. The scope of ASWR is to provide a unique platform for local communication, and also broaden concepts, ideas and models for water reuse in Asia and worldwide. The 6th ASWR will be held on April 16, 2022 in Guilin, Guangxi Province, China. The theme of the symposium is water reclamation and reuse, and green and low carbon water systems. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, online and offline forms will be combined in this symposium.


13:00 – 18:00 Beijing Time, April 16th, 2022 (GMT+8)




Prof.   Hong-Ying Hu

Tsinghua   University, China

Prof.   Hiroaki Tanaka

Kyoto   University, Japan

Prof.   Seockheon Lee

Korea   Institute of Science and Technology, Korea



Prof.   Dongbin Wei 

Research   Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Prof.   Yingxue Sun

Beijing   Technology and Business University

Prof.   Fei Yang

Hainan   University



Committee   of Water Treatment and Reuse, Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences

Tsinghua   University

Research   Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Beijing   Technology and Business University

Hainan   University

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